Sunday, August 25, 2019

Urban growth policy Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Urban growth policy - Research Paper Example This means that the policies being formulated have to take into account the various social, economical, cultural and academic differences in the community. Child care is a critical component of any functional urban community. The increasing urban population in San Diego means there is an increasing number of children. Majority of San Diego’s population consists of the working class, and hence a need for a reliable child care policy for community development. Many parents depend on organized out of home care for their young children. Absence of a universal child care policy by federal and state governments has led communities to seek policies of ensuring reliable and sustainable child care. The government has, however, increased spending on pre schools from 2.4 billion to 4.2 billion. Subsidies for child care services have also tripled. Typical childcare facilities use low cost housing like churches and depend entirely on parents fees to run the facilities. The main objective of the Urban Development Policy in San Diego is to clarify the roles of the government and the community in the development agenda. Since urban development entails the understanding of the basic community groups, the government depends on the community to come up with policies that best suit it. The government provides the required advice, assistance and planning for the execution of the policies (Warner, 2007). Another objective is to increase collaboration and co-operation between departments in the community and those in the government. This creates synchronism between the government and the community and hence a favorable development atmosphere. Goals are easily attainable when there is mutual co-operation. To increase the community and government capacity in understanding and advancing in the development policy is another objective. The level of involvement by both community and government will directly affect the achievement of development

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