Friday, May 3, 2019

Discussion- Ch12 Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Discussion- Ch12 - Coursework ExampleThe growing gunpoint involves a high appreciate of revenue increase owe to access to additional market and awareness by the customers. Marketing at the growth horizontal surface include development of new product features and packaging, increased advertising, and setting of high prices owing to high demand. Entry by competitors to the market reduces revenue growth towards the end of the growth exemplify. The maturity stage is reached when sales growth decreases but owing to high brand presence advertising is reduced. Product similarity is high reducing differentiation with the marketing mix done through sales promotions, price reductions, raise feature modifications, and innovative distribution channels aimed at extension of product carriagecycle and maintenance of market share.chroma of the market, technological obsolete products, and changes in customer tastes results in sales decline. The other features of the decline stage include inc reasing costs from reduced production volumes causing lack of profitability. Marketing at the decline stage includes reduction in product offerings, lowering of prices, little promotion expenditure, and selective distribution.After reading Liangs discussion, I believe he articulates the concepts in product lifecycle well though he does not picture the marketing techniques for use at the introduction stage. The discussion does not state the marketing strategies in the growth and maturity stages but rather treats the two distinct stages together in terms of marketing. The decline stage marketing strategies are not well analysed. Overall the discussion is informative on the product life cycle but not clear on the different marketing strategies applied at various(a) stages of the product

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